To take greater environmental responsibility, we have begun to minimise the lead content in our products.
Hem » TTM explains » Environmentally approved shunt units contain less lead

To take greater environmental responsibility, we have begun to minimise the lead content in our products.
Property owners and project owners are setting increasingly high environmental standards for materials and products. The aim is for properties to be constructed and managed with as large a proportion of environmentally approved products as possible. One important environmental standard is the limit value for how much lead a product may contain to be approved. The phasing out of lead is under way, and in the future we will see increasing numbers of products with lower lead levels.
What we can do as manufacturers and users is to actively choose the right material, minimising the impact on the environment and human health. We help you make the right choice.
Our shunt units are environmentally approved by both Byggvarubedömningen and SundaHus, two of the main actors for standardised environmental approvals of products and construction materials.
Producing environmentally-adapted products takes time. Various actors in the industry are driving development, and together we are aiming for a more environmentally-adapted and sustainable construction industry.
Environmental work is an important part of our product development, both now and in the future.