Hem » Shunt-units » Shuntopac pregefabriceerde shuntgroepen » Shuntopac Shuntgroep dynamic » Shuntopac Dynamic

Shuntopac® Dynamic – shunt units with built-in differential pressure regulation and dynamic balancing.
TTM Shuntopac® Dynamic provides correct adjustment even in systems with varying differential pressures or where the differential pressure is unknown. Equipped with a multifunction valve (PICV, combi valve) with combined functions:
- Modulating control valve
- Differential pressure regulator
- Dynamic balancing valve
- The control function regulates the flow according to the current power requirement
- The differential pressure function takes care of pressure variations in the primary system and keeps the differential pressure constant over the control valve cone
- The adjustment function limits the flow to the set value.
TTM Shuntopac® Dynamic provides correct regulation even in systems with varying differential pressure or when the differential pressure is unknown. However, see technical specifications for working area for each valve model and size. TTM Shuntopac® Dynamic comes from manufacturer with the primary side adjusted to the projected flow.
This means that when the shunt group is installed, only the secondary side of the shunt group needs to be adjusted and that the differential pressure on the primary side is within the working area need to be checked. All TTM Shuntopac® models can be delivered with Dynamic design.
Standard version
- Shunt mixing loop made of welded pressure tubes
- Thermal cooling / heat barrier to prevent double circulation.
- Fire and corrosion-proof metal casing.
- Insulation of mineral insulation for heating and AF / Armaflex for cooling
- Wall brackets for hanging or legs with footplates for larger models
- På EC Declaration of Conformity according to the Machinery Directive 2006/42/EC. “Partially completed machine.”
- Other configurations can be delivered on demand.
- kontakta TTM för mer information.
Lees meer over:

1. Multifunction valve (PICV, combi valve)
These valve types have the following built-in functions:
a) Control valve, seat valve type
b) Differential pressure regulator which maintains a constant differential pressure over the plug of the control valve
c) Dynamic adjuster valve (max. flow restrictor)
d) Actuator
2. Adjuster valve
1 x of any make and dimension for adjustment/control of the flow on the secondary side of the shunt. Fitted in a pipe with a conical coupling or flange. The TA STAD/F make is supplied as standard.
3. Pump
Any make and type with a “wet” or “dry” motor.
4. Test sockets
Test sockets are attached on each connection, allowing
adjustment of the shunt unit primary side.
5. Shut-off valves
3 x ball valves DN20 to DN50 with full bore and tall spindle neck, or 3 x butterfly valves DN65 to DN200, designed to function as end valves if the shunt group is removed from the system. Fitted to the pipe kit using conical couplings or flanges.
6. Thermometers
Graduated 0-120 °C for heat and -40 – +40 °C for cooling.
7. Non-return valve
1 x made of brass/cast iron/stainless steel with spring-loadedplug. Mounted in a flange.
8. Draining device
Version with R1/2″ hose fitting at all low points.
9. Data plate
10. Flow chart
11. Mounting bracket for wall mount
- Floor stand
- Flexfit pipe bends
Wanneer Kanico een nieuwe wijk in Borås ontwikkelt, is TTM verantwoordelijk voor de shuntgroepen in de HVAC-systemen. Het gebied heet Simonsland en omvat 60.000 vierkante meter aan gebouwen.
Het Operahuis van Kopenhagen heeft een oppervlakte van 41.000 vierkante meter, 14 verdiepingen, met 6 podia, een hoofdpodium voor ongeveer 1.500 toeschouwers en 5 podia voor repetities en voorbereidingen.
NCC bouwt zijn nieuwe hoofdkantoor op Järva Krog in Solna. Het nieuwe hoofdkantoor zal strategisch gelegen zijn op een gemakkelijk bereikbare locatie dicht bij de E4-snelweg.